How to Live to 100: Swedish Secrets of Longevity

Having analyzed the lifestyle of Swedish pensioners, the author identified the main secrets of their longevity. And what is most valuable, there is nothing difficult in his recommendations – neither ingenious recipes for green smoothies, nor complex asanas from yoga. All it takes is a little common sense and a little willpower.

  1. Get active.

Swedes are a sporty nation. Half the country goes jogging in the morning and schools have a special sports vacation at the end of February to give families the opportunity to take to the mountains for skiing and snowboarding.

Physical activity reduces stress levels and stimulates the production of happiness hormones. However, it is useless and even harmful to exercise 5 times a week. Just try to walk or bike more, play soccer or hockey with your kids, go dancing or rock climbing.

  1. Don’t worry about nothing.

Dr. Marklund reminds us that “stress reactions are necessary for our survival.” However, if you freak out every time you can’t find your house keys in your bag or someone cuts you off on the road, it’s a bad symptom.

You have to learn to control your emotions and not let minor annoyances knock you out. There are no universal recipes. Some people just need to take a deep breath and count to 10. Others may need the help of a psychoanalyst or anger management training. In either case, ask loved ones to point out to you when you “get worked up over nothing.

  1. Sleep well, but in moderation.

At night the body recovers. Chronic lack of sleep immediately affects the appearance, weakens the immune system, leads to obesity and various diseases. But sleeping more than 10 hours a night is also harmful. According to research conducted by Harvard, it negatively affects the quality of sleep and leads to memory problems.

  1. Look for the sun

Sweden is not the warmest country. But its residents have learned to make the most out of every day and do not sit at home or in the office when the weather is nice. At least, everyone tries to spend a lunch break on the terrace of a cafe or in a park.

Everyone knows that vitamin D is produced in the body under the influence of sunlight. And it is vital for normal functioning of the nervous system, strong bones and immunity.

  1. Eat a balanced, moderate, but varied diet.

It is useless to go on a diet or do days of nutrition. It’s enough to minimize your intake of refined sugar, half-finished products, sausages, and smoked meat. Rather focus on vegetable protein, foods rich in essential fatty acids (oily fish, vegetable oils), antioxidants, and vitamins.

  1. Drink water and coffee

Hydration is necessary for the body to function properly. A quick reminder: the body is made up of 60% water, and every day it loses up to 1.5 liters of moisture. If they are not replenished, cells cannot renew properly, nerve impulses run slower, and the body ages faster.

We can replenish our hydration not only with clean drinking water. Moisture from fruits and vegetables, liquid soups, tea and coffee also count.

  1. Watch your weight.

Being overweight leads to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. That said, according to Dr. Marklund, all you have to do to stay fat is eat slowly, never take supplements and choose healthy foods.

  1. Take care of your teeth.

Oral hygiene affects the entire circulatory system. Bleeding gums or inflammation can cause serious illness and even blood poisoning. So remember to visit your dentist twice a year, brush your teeth thoroughly and avoid eating too many sweets.

  1. Think positively

Bad moods lead to depression, exhaustion and chronic fatigue. The good news for those whose glass is always half empty: pessimism is curable. And there are a great many ways. You need to surround yourself with positive people, spend more time with your loved ones, help those in need, try to make the world a better place and celebrate all the good things that happen to you.

  1. Have an active social life.

People who often experience loneliness die earlier. They have a high percentage of the protein fibrogen in their blood. This protein causes blood clots to form, which lead to the development of cardiovascular and other diseases.