How to eat to avoid insomnia?

What products are best to come from?

At least 4 hours before bedtime, it is recommended to completely exclude:

Caffeine. Remember that caffeine is found not only in coffee itself, but also in tea, cocoa, and chocolate. I hope you don’t drink energy drinks and cola. By the way, an interesting fact: over the years, the sensitivity to caffeine increases, so after 25 years, the problem may worsen. Feelings of anxiety, tremors, heartburn, insomnia are all consequences of too frequent exposure to caffeine, especially in the evening.

Sugar. Not the most obvious point, although sugar, even from natural sources, can spoil sleep. Eaten without measure and before bed, it will quickly raise glucose levels, and therefore energy. But then you will again feel weak and tired, but the nervous system will remain energized. This is especially unpleasant and noticeable in the case of a nightly eating dessert on an almost empty stomach, when a lot of time has passed after the main dinner.

Alcohol. Yes, in some doses and situations, it would seem to cause drowsiness, but the quality of such sleep is very low. It disrupts the correct cycle of sleep phases, its strength, duration, and in the morning you will find “weakness” and “bags” under the eyes.
What foods are best to limit?

Try to avoid before bedtime those dishes and certain foods that personally cause you any “unpleasant situations” of digestion – gas formation, bloating, heartburn. Most likely, you know about them, and each will have their own list of products.

The most common:

Milk and dairy products (not fermented milk), bread and yeast baked goods, legumes.

High-calorie food. These are fast food, fatty meats, fatty desserts, etc. Try to limit them 4, and preferably 5 hours before bedtime. If you go to bed at 12, then 7 pm will be the time for such a high-calorie dinner.

Onion and garlic. Often cause digestive problems.
What to eat for dinner and before bed, so as not to suffer from insomnia?

You don’t need to starve and listen to the rumbling of your stomach! Some foods not only do not interfere with normal sleep, but also help you fall asleep faster.

Protein foods. Lean meat, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, lean fish, eggs.

Vegetables. Fresh is best, but cooked, for example, in the form of a stew, is also suitable.

Chromium-rich foods. Tuna, carp, herring, capelin, mackerel, shrimp, salmon, flounder, carp. From vegetables and cereals – beets and pearl barley.

Herbal tea. Mint bags will not work!) All you need is tea without the tea leaves themselves to avoid caffeine. Chamomile, lemon balm, verbena, linden are suitable. In pharmacies and on iherb, you can find ready-made, collected compositions from several herbs that contribute to good sleep.