How to make a do-it-yourself slate board?

How I love slate boards! There is something special in them, from childhood. I have long wanted to buy such a home for myself, but I could not find a suitable ready-made option. But now I learned how to make slate paint, which can be used to cover any suitable surface.

It turned out to be very simple.
Where to look for paint and how much does it cost?

The first thing I did was go to the hardware store. They said that they had slate paint a long time ago, but they would not bring more of it. Not in demand, they say!

In a hobby shop, I was asked to buy blackboard spray paint. But its volume seemed to me too large, as well as the price – 750r per can.

Moreover, I have already seen enough video instructions, stocked up with cement and a willingness to create beauty on my own.

I decided to buy acrylic paint, and on the advice from YouTube I chose glossy, not matte. This will make the chalk drawing look brighter.

Also check that the paint is water-based!

I recommend applying the second coat after 1-2 hours, even though your board will look decent after the first one.

After complete drying (usually 24 hours) it is necessary to “rub” the entire surface of the board with white chalk and wipe it off. The slate board is ready!

By the way, the resulting paint can be used to cover both wood / plywood and thick cardboard. From this small jar, I got so much paint that I painted over all the ownerless plywood at home.